Infuse New Perspectives in Media

Project 2: Sightlines

How can we support business journalists to move past dated narratives about what constitutes economic success and for whom?

Developed in partnership with Common Future, Sightlines is a journalist-led collaboration to raise reporters’ foundational knowledge of complex economic issues.

Sightlines aims to uplift the lived experience of all people, in particular those with the least power, by creating new viewpoints for journalists, acknowledging they can’t report on what they ‘can’t see’, and support their ability to hold power accountable, and shape the terms of the debate for their audiences.

  • Local, independent, and early to mid-career journalists who cover business, policy, and the economy don’t always have the resources or support to capture the complexity of economic events and branch out from the dominant narrative. The news cycle drives constant pressure for content, resulting in less time to digest new research, connect with diverse sources, or simply engage with complex ideas.

  • Sightlines will begin with a learning pilot for a community built by journalists for journalists that connects together new and existing educational and practical resources that equip participants with new perspectives, voices, and ideas that challenges the dominant neo-liberal narrative of what makes a powerful economy. 

  • The goal for Sightlines is to thread together new and existing resources for journalists, creating an interconnected network of resources to tap into in education, peer-learning, tools, funding opportunities, convenings, and access to diverse expert networks, in collaboration with leading organizations such as Solutions Journalism Network, ON’s Reporters in Residence, Common Future, Poynter’s Beat Academy and others.

The current ESG conversation and the upcoming U.S. election are both ripe for new reporting of the underlying forces and assumptions of the economy, and a gateway to deeper public conversations about how we define its success and for whom.

In partnership with Poynter’s Beat Academy, we are supporting the development of two new webinar trainings and resources for local and independent journalists to bridge new understanding around the ESG conversation, and the impact of Bidenomics to their audiences.  

Poynter’s Beat Academy webinar sessions are scheduled for spring 2024.

Thank you to the Kenan Institute for funding and hosting this project, and for Skoll Foundation for their intitial catalytic support and our strategic partners for their thought partnership.

  • Poynter’s Beat Media has a track record of success structuring content that serves the needs of journalists and advances their core understanding to raise the game of their reporting.

First Initiative: Journalist-Led Trainings