The Imperatives of our shared vision

Imperative 21 along with a coalition of partners led a global process to co-create a set of Imperatives for Economic System Change that give our community network of 350 organizations greater coherence and power. 


The Imperatives describe the design objectives and characteristics of the economic system we must move toward to achieve our collective vision of shared wellbeing on a healthy planet.


  • Recognize the interdependence of healthy people, planet, and economies

  • Balance the relationships between the private sector, government and civil society

  • Ensure that everyone has access to free and fair markets.


  • Remove structural inequality

  • Ensure leadership and ownership are more inclusive, and investment more accessible

  • Use technology to advance democratic ideals and human rights

  • Promote greater voice, power and opportunity for those currently marginalized.

  • The Imperatives were created to offer a compass, a basis, and a unifying force for economic system change.

    A compass — The imperatives offer a compass for leaders from all sectors to come together to RESET consistent with a coherent, holistic and compelling direction of travel toward a just economy that creates shared wellbeing on a healthy planet.

    A basis — The imperatives will also create a mechanism for greater collaboration among and accountability of policymakers, businesses, investors, and citizens, as we pursue the RESET together.

    A unifying force — The imperatives create greater coherence and power among allies for system change, amplifying our collective voice around a common message, and facilitating collaboration by helping each of us see the whole picture as well as our unique role in it.

  • The Imperatives describe the design objectives and characteristics of the economic system we must move toward to achieve our collective vision of shared wellbeing on a healthy planet.



  • Measure success based on credible common metrics of sustainable value creation for all stakeholders

  • Create incentives that reward business and investments creating social and environmental value

  • Enhance standards of fiduciary duty.

  • The Imperatives have been co-created with hundreds of allies from around the world. The idea for the Imperatives emerged from the public launch of Imperative 21 in April 2020 at the virtual Skoll World Forum. The objective was to build a shared understanding of the economic system change that was needed for the 21st century and the pathways to get there.

  • The UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, signed on to by 193 countries, are our shared global goals; the Imperatives describe the economic system required to achieve them.

The Imperatives co-creation process was stewarded by a coalition of allies that calls itself Project Portal: Charmian Love, UK21 co-convener, Chair and Co Founder B Lab UK; James Perry, B Lab board member, Co Founder B Lab UK; Charlotte Sewell, Project Portal project manager, Jason Stockwood, 53° Capital co-founder and B Lab UK board member; Chris Turner, B Lab UK executive director; and Anna Heckenlively, Imperative 21 chief of staff; Robin Hodess, Imperative 21 representative of The B Team; and Jay Coen Gilbert, Imperative 21 co-chair.

The team would like to express special thanks to all who gave generously of their time and expertise in convenings, conversations and surveys. Special thanks to: Derrick Feldman, Amy Thayer and the team at Influence SG; Josh Davis; New Economy Research Associates at Said Business School, Oxford University: Sabrina Bainbridge, Jillian Gedeon, Laura Ketteringham, Khanya Okumu, Aditya Rajashekaran and Saskia Rothuizen, and Laura Chavez-Varela at the Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford.